Our Supporters are people who live or work in Gloucestershire who agree with our Starting Points and Aims.
Being a Supporter costs nothing and enables you to be added to our mailing list if you wish.
To be a GlosCAN Supporter, please read this page and then click on the link at the end.
To register as a Supporter, we ask you to provide your name, an e-mail address and the first part of the post-code of where you live or work. The post-code information is to help us know how well we are doing in drawing support from across the county.
We will keep any personal information you provide us in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. We will not pass it on on to anyone else. (This is apart from e-mail addresses used in the MailChimp newsletter distribution service.)
There is a tick-box for you to let us know if you want to receive e-mail from us – newsletters and announcements.
There is also a tick-box for you to let us know if you would like to have your name published on our website as a registered Supporter.
By signing up, you are just agreeing to our Starting Points and Aims. We promise not to claim that all our Supporters (including you) agree with every activity GlosCAN initiates or takes part in.
We also invite you to give us a short personal statement of why you support GlosCAN’s Starting Points and Aims, which we may publish on our website or use in our publicity. This is optional. See our page What our Supporters think.
We also ask if you are interested in actively supporting future GlosCAN activities or getting more involved generally.
Remember, if you want, you can just sign up to show agreement with our Starting Points and Aims and not receive any e-mails!
If in the future you want to withdraw your support, please contact the Secretary.
If you would like to become a Supporter and show that you agree with our Starting Points and Aims, PLEASE SIGN UP.