The CEE Bill – Conservative MPs on-line private briefing with Sir David King, Tue 8 June 17:00

Private climate briefing Tue 8 June for Conservative MPs, Peers and their staff to discuss the proposed Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE Bill)

Thank you to all those Supporters who responded to the message below and contacted their MPs!

It was a closed meeting, but apparently all Conservative MPs have been sent the minutes whether they went or not. It might be worth people asking their MP if they have seen the minutes.

Please share this message.

Dear Supporter,

Could you ask your MP (see contact details below or search) to attend an important on-line briefing on the Climate and Ecological Emergency with Sir David King? It is on Tue 8 June at 17:00 via Zoom. Seat reservations:

It is a private meeting and is an opportunity for Conservative MPs to hear about the climate and environmental situation from an eminent scientist who was the permanent Special Representative for Climate Change from September 2013 until March 2017 and previously the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor from 2000 to 2007.

Please e-mail your MP as a constituent and tell them briefly in your own words why you think it is important that they attend. Remember to provide your name and address in your e-mail as MPs can only deal with communications from their own constituents.

Could you let GlosCAN know if you have contacted your MP by e-mailing info[at] We would like to know how many of us have been able to give our MPs this encouragement. Just put the subject line as ‘Sir David King’ and write ‘I have contacted (Name of MP).’

Please help! We have to let our MPs know that we care about the seriousness of the situation.

Below are some of the details that have been sent to the MPs about the briefing. MPs can reserve seats at


Private On-line Briefing for Conservative MPs and Peers, Tue 8 June 17:00, information sent to MPs

Sir David King (Special Representative for Climate Change, 2013-2017) will attend a private briefing for Conservative MPs, Peers and their staff to discuss the proposed Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.

The CEE Bill Alliance is delighted to invite MPs to join this meeting to examine the CEE Bill and discuss its importance for the future of the UK with Sir David and other leading experts.

Much like the Climate Change Act 2008, the CEE Bill offers HM Government a viable roadmap—guided by the best available science—to protect our environment, traditions and heritage and set the highest possible standard for global leadership ahead of the COP26 summit this November.

In preparation for the meeting, MPs are encouraged to review the (recently updated) CEE Bill and the accompanying briefing. For more information, they can visit—and for any queries about the CEE Bill or the meeting they can make contact via e-mail at MPs can reserve seats for the briefing at .


Gloucestershire MPs’ contact details

Siobhan Baillie MP

Alex Chalk MP

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP

Richard Graham MP

Rt Hon Mark Harper MP

Laurence Robertson MP