GlosCAN’s Starting Points and Aims

GlosCAN’s Starting Points

As supporters of GlosCAN, we acknowledge the following:

  • The scientific evidence for climate change resulting from human activities is beyond reasonable doubt.
  • Already, severe effects of climate change are being felt, in ways that vary greatly around the world.
  • Climate change poses risks to global food production, collective security, viability of many coastal/port cities (including Gloucester), and ultimately the functioning of major ecosystems and of human civilisation.
  • These risks will become increasingly serious in the absence of rapid and effective action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.
  • Existing commitments by governments (including the 2015 Paris Agreement) recognise the scale of the challenge but do not create a robust mechanism to ensure that the required rapid and effective actions will be implemented.

(In relation to this last point, see our page on ‘The Bigger Picture’.)

GlosCAN’s Aims

1.    To promote constructive debate and initiate events and actions with the intention of bringing about the major changes required in Gloucestershire and beyond to reduce human-induced climate change.
2.    To raise awareness amongst individuals, organisations, businesses and public figures in Gloucestershire of the inadequacies of the current global and national commitments on climate change.
3.    To encourage individuals to become supporters of GlosCAN.
4.    To base our actions and activities on appropriate scientific evidence.
5.    To collaborate with other organisations with similar aims and values whether within Gloucestershire, surrounding areas or beyond.
6.    To conduct our activities in truthful, respectful and non-party-political ways and to demonstrate accountability to our Supporters.


If you agree with our Starting Points and Aims, PLEASE SIGN UP AS A SUPPORTER.