
Transition Stroud Film Show, 4 Nov 2018 – see films here.


Troubled Planet

15 minutes of music with film, inspired by people’s reactions to global warming.
Music by Penny Squire
Film footage by Greenpeace

String quartet played by the Cotswold Ensemble

Penny Squire – Composer, Gardener, Environmentalist
Available to watch on YouTube here.
Rachel says:
“This is absolutely spectacular! Amazing! Very moving. Made me a bit teary! Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic, inspiring work! Music does speak! It has it’s power!”


‘Messages From The Blue Planet’ – What if planet Earth could talk? – Denis Postle

‘This movie started out as a gift for my grandchildren.
What do I know that might be helpful for them in their lives?
Do we have a future? What kind of future? Can we learn to think and feel like a Planet?
What could get in the way?
Out of this has grown eight short videos, my take on ‘how things are, how things seem to be’.

The best download quality is vimeo:
and the slightly less quality source but where it is picking up lots more viewing, about 200 a week is here, skip the opening ad:
There is also a trailer here: