Cheltenham – carbon reduction programme (Footpaths)

There is a new website giving advice on energy efficiency improvements to older houses in Cheltenham.
The project is led by Vision 21, who are looking for volunteers to help promote the website.
For details of training, contact:

Cheltenham Green Doors, a project supported by Vision 21, is pleased to invite you to the following event:

Please circulate to anyone else who may be interested. It is also on facebook

On October 14th 2017 three Cheltenham ‘Supa Homes’ will be open for a focussed look at great Energy Saving and Retrofit ideas. The three homes will be open from 09:30 to 12:00.

At each home there will be three 15-20minute talks at 09:45, 10:30 & 11:15.

Booking is essential as places are limited

The home owner will share their own experiences and knowledge of making their homes more comfortable while saving money.

Find out:

  •     Savings to be made from insulation and renewable energy
  •     Appropriate products for your home
  •     Recommended local installers
  •     How to use for your own energy saving improvements

The three properties have all been part of past Cheltenham Green Open Doors events; they are:

8 Oakfield Street Tivoli GL50 2UJ, a Victorian mid-terraced solid wall house.

Key features include double-glazed original sash windows, timber floor insulation, internal wall insulation, positive pressure ventilation, LED lighting, Solar PV with energy recovery switch for hot water, Solar gain lean-to, use of “breathable” products appropriate for older housing, and energy monitoring.

For more information visit:

57 Naunton Lane GL53 7BJ, a small early twentieth century solid-wall semi-detached house.

Key features include internal and external wall insulation, solar pv, wooden double and triple glazing, conservatory with passive solar gain, sloping ceiling insulation and LED lighting.

For more information visit

“Grosmont”, Charlton Drive, GL53 8ES, a 1930s detached house with cavity walls and sunroom extension.   

Key features include Triple glazing, solar PV with backup batteries, sunroom with passive solar gain, solar thermal hot water, wood burning stoves, LED lighting, and energy management.

For more information visit

 The three properties are all on website.

Visitors may visit one or more properties as they wish. At each property there will be time for interaction with the home owner and to review the energy saving and retrofit information portal which Cheltenham Green Doors has developed for advice specific to Cheltenham properties.

Don’t forget to book!

Please circulate to other people who may be interested – thank you.