Monthly Archives: March 2020

Simply the Best? A proposal for an international protocol for a global 100% renewable energy infrastructure

– by Julian Jones, Water21

(Please note: posts on these blog pages are the personal views of the authors only and are not intended to represent any agreed or general view on the part of

This proposal for an international protocol for a 100% Renewable Energy infrastructure arose following a Stroud Transition Town showing of the film ‘Blue Heart’ in 2018, . This catalogues the ecologically & socially damaging effects of 3000 new hydropower projects in the Balkan region; many built or funded with British involvement.   Following this film showing Julian undertook to raise this with the British Hydropower Association and this presentation is the result.

All power generation types have benefits but also incur many costs, including all renewables: carbon emissions in construction & operation; thermal effects; damage to wildlife and water resources, etc.  This protocol outlines a methodology for assessing these costs and benefits on a national and regional basis to enable the most informed and transparent generation choices to be made.

See presentation :

“Julian kicked off the first session with a highly thought-provoking presentation in which he promoted the concept of an international protocol promoting hydropower as the bedrock of a universal infrastructure of renewable energy.” (BHA )

A similar protocol might be applied to Gloucestershire where over 369% of total 2011 carbon footprint was found to be feasible by Gloucestershire County Council consultants Entec.

This proposal is now being developed further within the E-Axis of the UNFC, for reporting to UNECE September 2021.


Julian is a director of Water21, a not-for-profit organisation that works with landowners and communities to develop sustainable protection against flood, drought, and public health risks in the community.